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Ukraine: Redemptive Relief

Project #71964
Europe Relief Ukraine

In response to the invasion of Ukraine in February of 2022, believers and churches came together and worked tirelessly to minister to the refugees fleeing Ukraine and coming to surrounding countries. Avant opened a project to support our workers and associated churches in their efforts to alleviate much of the suffering around them and care for people physically and spiritually.

Now, more than two years later, there are people still in crisis and many of the same needs are present. Our missionaries and churches are finding creative ways to engage and minister to the ongoing needs of those affected by the war.

In one area where we’ve focused our efforts since the early months of this crisis, short-term teams have been organized to share the love of Christ with people by providing food, clothing, medicine, and stoves, as well as counseling. Praise God that as a result of this ministry, many people have placed their faith in Jesus. In the last year alone, at least 80 people declared Jesus as Lord and were baptized!

Avant is supporting this ongoing ministry through the Ukraine Redemptive Relief project. This project will provide for the various physical needs of people and will mobilize more believers to participate in this outreach and share the message of the gospel.

Thank you for your partnership! To see stories of how God has worked through this project, click here