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Jeremy & Jacqueline Warne

Project #12222

Church Planting in Sicily

With a population of over five million people, Italy’s island of Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean. Like the rest of Italy, though historical church roots run deep, the spiritual climate is dry. Seventy one percent of Sicilians identify as Roman Catholic; yet, only twenty percent of those participate in mass regularly. Spirituality is most often expressed through superstition, such as warding off evil spirits. Young Sicilians are more educated and increasingly secular like the rest of Europe. They see religion as a quaint part of their cultural heritage that has little to do with everyday life. Less than one percent of the population is considered evangelical Christian.

In 2019, Jeremy joined the Avant team in the midst of planting a church in Messina, Sicily. Using his love for sport and young people, Jeremy was a part of the evangelistic outreach and church life of this brand new church plant.

In November 2022, Jeremy and Jacqueline were married. They spent a number of months praying and discerning where the Lord would lead them to serve as a married couple, and God led them back to Messina! Jacqueline, coming from a background of teaching, likewise has a love for young people and seeing them come to know Jesus. Their desire is to see a new generation of believers and churches established in Sicily!

Jeremy and Jacqueline are currently support raising with the intent of being back in Messina mid 2024.

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